The Racial Healing of America Revival and Bus Tour
July 9-17, 2023
The ACU Carl Spain Center on Race Studies and Spiritual Action invites you to join us for the Racial Healing of America Revival and Bus Tour July 9-17, 2023.
The Racial Healing of America Revival and Bus Tour will bring together people of faith and goodwill from various ethnic backgrounds to publicly promote racial healing, biblical justice, and to advance social peace across America. The revival and bus tour will take place July 9-17, 2023, starting in Dallas (TX), with stops in Memphis (TN), Birmingham (AL), Charleston (SC), and ending in Washington (DC). The revival services will include featured speakers and congregational singing in each city. The tour participants will visit the International African American Museum in Charleston and the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington.
The American Evangelical Church has been compromised and weakened through its constant consumption of the doctrine of violent Christian Nationalism. This has weakened America’s spiritual immune system. If this spiritual malady continues untreated it will lead to America’s political and social disintegration. The uncompromised church must become more vocal and visible as the moral unifying healing agent that constrains toxic faith leaders who currently influence and encourage their followers to violently destabilize America’s already fragile multiethnic society.
The Racial Healing of America Revival and Bus Tour will serve as one form of direct spiritual action. It will publicly demonstrate that we are against violence and racial division by visually demonstrating that we are for racial healing.